Dr. David Young, ND is a primary care Naturopathic Doctor, licensed in Oregon and Washington. His office is located at 318 E. Main St. in Battle Ground, WA.
Phone: (360) 687-3340 Office hours Mon, Weds, and Thurs • 9AM to 5PM.
Laurie Solomon, L.Ac./EAMP operates Starfire Herbs and Acupuncture at 304 S. Parkway Ave in Battle Ground. Her office hours are Tues, Wed, Fri and Saturday, by appointment.
Phone: (360) 666-1070
Owner & practicing chiropractor of Nu-Life Wellness Center
Doctor Barnes is a board-certified chiropractor who corrects the alignment of joints and bones to reduce discomfort and to resolve and or maintain optimal health.
Shannon Wyman is the designated owner/broker of this local real estate firm.
717 W Main St. Ste# 125
Battle Ground, WA
Karen Yanhs-Anderson, CEO of Photon Herbal Pets and inventor of Tumorid topical salve. Tumorid can help your pets to eliminate abnormal skin growth (tumors, warts, skin tags) without surgery.
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